Friday, March 27, 2009

Hot Air

Bear with me for I need to let off some steam. You can probably skip this post.

I finally got to fly two sorties this week, the final two before my solo check comes up.

The first of the two sorties was really bad, so bad. The second one was an improvement but more needs to be done before he clears me for my first solo.

My confidence took a battering over these two flights. I know I have to improve by leaps and bounds before I am cleared for solo but I'm not sure if I can live up to his high expectations.

I know he will make me a better pilot but I'm struggling to live up to his high standards. The man's got 1,100 hours on this aircraft under his belt. I'm only in my 13th hour and that includes the paltry 5 hours on the 152 in Seletar. How to be like him that quickly?

Learning curve's damn steep; I'm heaping way too much demands on myself but I have no choice as the man's got a higher standard than the average instructor. And the crux of the matter is that if you do not clear your solo here, you lose your job. Bye bye. The cookie crumbles.

Hmmm I'm still trying to figure out how to do things right. Everytime I go through my checks on the ground, everything seems so right. But when I'm up there, for some reason nothing seems to click.


On a brighter note, Leo cleared his 109 today, 1530 hours, on only the second attempt. Good job dude! Looks like the dinner at Springybark's on you! :P

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