Friday, May 30, 2008

Reflections from the toilet

It is perfectly acceptable for a female cleaner to enter the male toilet when it is occupied (with you in your full glory emptying the contents of your bladder) but not okay for a male cleaner to enter the female toilet before checking it is empty (you can get sued for sexual harrassment).

Why the disparity?

Does the sight of my dong hanging out any lesser than that of an exposed female contemporary? Female toilets have doors in cubicles; we guys just pee in the urinals! We are the ones who are exposed! Only the feminists or androgynous types would pee in cubicles anyway.

And then there are those guys who unzip, unbelt and let their pants fall to the ground, just to pee in a urinal... It is a weird sight for those who have not seen a long sleeved shirted guy in his underpants pissing into a urinal with his pants around his ankles (and soaking up the residual pee on the ground).

Moral of the story is, female cleaners should at least knock on male toilets before they enter. Lest they get shocked (or worse, turned on) at what they see.

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